Q. I’m not skating, am I still charged admission?
A. All children ages 4yrs and older are charged admission, observing adults are not charged.
Q. Can I bring in my own equipment?
A. Yes. You can bring in your own skates, roller blades, or quad/speed skates. Skates must be clean and in general good repair. Staff may refuse the use of skates found to be unsafe, unclean, or inappropriate.
Q. Do you allow scooters?
A. No. Scooters are very unsafe. Scooters pose such a safety risk that our insurance carrier has banned them.
Q. Do you sell skates?
A. You bet! We will meet or beat any advertised price. PLUS purchase new equipment valued at $50 or more and we’l match your purchase price with free admission passes! That’s a 100% rebate. Turn in your old scooter and you’ll receive a $25 credit towards the purchase of new skates (certain skates excluded).
Skating is most enjoyable in your own equipment – for great deals please visit our online skate shop!