February 4, 2025 all-day
High Roller Skating Center of Eau Claire
3120 Melby St.
Eau Claire
WI 54703

The Chippewa Valley Roller Derby Team has reserved the rink for practices on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.

  • High Roller Skating Center is a SPONSOR only.
  • This is not “our” team; we work with the derby team.
  • On Tuesday evenings, the rink is NOT open for public skate hours.
  • Don’t hesitate to contact the team for any questions you may have.
  • If you are curious about roller derby, please contact the team – CLICK HERE.


Have you been thinking… what is there to do around here?”

“How can I help out in the community?”

Are mainstream sports just not your thing or your crowd?
Are you looking for something a little different than volunteering for the local t-ball league?
(not that there is anything wrong with that…)

Then, Roller Derby is for you!

Your time is important. Come spend it with us being derby!

We are always recruiting skaters, referees, and volunteers!
Anyone 18+ can join in both on or off-skates positions.

Skaters and skating officials will be expected to acquire their own equipment (skates, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, mouth guard/whistle) although we have some used gear to borrow to get you started. Skaters and officials will be expected to have health insurance and will be asked to purchase supplemental WFTDA skater insurance.

CVRD is an equal opportunity sport and offers all minorities, body shapes, and LGBTQA+ a friendly space to participate.

Everyone that is interested in joining can participate at their own level.

Contact us to find out more!





Here is what you need to know to get your skates rolling…

You must be 18 years of age or older.
Health insurance is mandatory as well as supplemental WFTDA (Womens Flat Track Derby Association) insurance.

After contacting us you will receive a skater welcome packet that covers the league requirements, tips on training, tips on picking out your gear and some helpful links to get you started.

You will have to supply a copy of your identification and proof of insurance.

After committing to join, you will receive a packet containing our league Handbook and Code of Conduct which will include a Skater Contract. Both must be signed before the action can start.


Quad roller skates
Certified Helmet
Elbow pads
Knee pads
Wrist guards
Mouth guard

O-nce you are a dues paying member and skate with us for 3 months, you will then be eligible for your derby name to be submitted.

Practice time is just that – practice. Not social time. It is our opportunity to train and get our bodies physically and mentally ready for competition. Attendance is taken and recorded for bout eligibility.

Skating skills are tested to gauge a skaters ability. This is a “GO” “NO-GO” test for bout eligibility.